Deployment of enterprise applications and other administrative tasks in WebSphere Application Servers environments can be fully automated using Jython based scripts. Depending on the size of the environment and the level of automation these scripts may become rather big and complex. In case your management has the requirement that certain or all calls to the…
Autor: sebthom
[Solved] Windows 7 “Safely Remove Hardware” pop-up menu horrendously slow
Since I upgraded to Windows 7 an annoying problem regarding USB device ejection bugged me for quite some time. At least for my system configuration I now seem to have found a working solution. The symptom: When you try to eject an USB device using the “Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media” tray icon it…
Bash: Capturing stderr in a variable while still printing to the console.
Storing the stdout output of a command in a variable and displaying it is simple: OUTPUT=$(command) echo $OUTPUT If you have longer running commands where you want to display stdout in realtime and also store it in a variable you can tee the output to stderr: OUTPUT=$(command | tee /dev/stderr) OUTPUT=$(command | tee /proc/self/fd/2) OUTPUT=$(command…
Configuring EMF Teneo with Hibernate, Commons DBCP, Spring Hibernate Transaction Manager, and the OpenSessionInViewFilter
While trying to get an application working with
Using EMF ECore model objects with Wicket components
Apache Wicket uses so called model objects to bind data objects to Wicket components. The framework provides a number of model implementations to access data objects and their properties in various ways. The PropertyModel implementation for example is used to access and set the value of a Java object using reflection. EPropertyModel If you are…
Installing Tomcat 6 on Debian Squeeze
This post describes how to setup Tomcat 6 on Debian Squeeze. The configured Tomcat serves requests on port 80 without the need of an additional web server. This is especially good for virtual servers (VPS) providing limit memory. It also has multiple virtual hosts configured, each with it’s own webapp with context root / and…