Attribute VB_Name = "SendButtons_EN" ' Description: This module provides some buttons for toolbar of Outlook's E-Mail composition form. The module has been tested with Outlook 2003. ' Version: 1.0 ' Author: Sebastian Thomschke ( Option Explicit Public Function SendOnly() ' Sends the currently selected email without saving it If TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow) = "Inspector" Then Dim Item As Object Set Item = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem If TypeName(Item) = "MailItem" Then Dim mail As Outlook.MailItem Set mail = Item mail.DeleteAfterSubmit = True mail.Send Exit Function End If End If MsgBox "This function must be used from within an open e-mail.", vbExclamation Exit Function End Function Public Sub SendOnly_AddButton() Dim insp As inspector Set insp = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem).GetInspector On Error Resume Next Dim toolbar As commandBar Set toolbar = insp.CommandBars("Standard") Dim sendOnlyButton As CommandBarButton Set sendOnlyButton = toolbar.FindControl(Tag:="SendOnly") If Not sendOnlyButton Is Nothing Then MsgBox "The [Send Only] button already exists!", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If Dim sendButton As CommandBarButton Set sendButton = toolbar.FindControl(ID:=2617) Set sendOnlyButton = toolbar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, before:=sendButton.Index + 1) With sendOnlyButton .Caption = "Send only" .FaceId = 24 .OnAction = "SendOnly" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .Tag = "SendOnly" .TooltipText = "Send without saving to the Sent Items folder." End With insp.Close olDiscard MsgBox "[Send Only] button successfully installed.", vbInformation End Sub Public Sub SendOnly_RemoveButton() Dim insp As inspector Set insp = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem).GetInspector On Error Resume Next Dim toolbar As commandBar Set toolbar = insp.CommandBars("Standard") Dim sendOnlyButton As CommandBarButton Set sendOnlyButton = toolbar.FindControl(Tag:="SendOnly") If sendOnlyButton Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If sendOnlyButton.Delete insp.Close olDiscard MsgBox "[Send Only] button successfully removed.", vbInformation End Sub Public Function SendAndFile() ' Prompts for a folder to store the email before sending If TypeName(Application.ActiveWindow) = "Inspector" Then Dim Item As Object Set Item = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem If TypeName(Item) = "MailItem" Then Dim mail As Outlook.MailItem Set mail = Item Dim folder As MAPIFolder Set folder = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").PickFolder If Not folder Is Nothing Then Set Item.SaveSentMessageFolder = folder mail.Send End If End If Else MsgBox "This function must be used from within an open e-mail.", vbExclamation Exit Function End If End Function Public Sub SendAndFile_AddButton() Dim insp As inspector Set insp = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem).GetInspector On Error Resume Next Dim toolbar As commandBar Set toolbar = insp.CommandBars("Standard") Dim sendAndFileButton As CommandBarButton Set sendAndFileButton = toolbar.FindControl(Tag:="SendAndFile") If Not sendAndFileButton Is Nothing Then MsgBox "The [Send and File...] button already exists!", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If Dim sendButton As CommandBarButton Set sendButton = toolbar.FindControl(ID:=2617) Set sendAndFileButton = toolbar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, before:=sendButton.Index + 1) With sendAndFileButton .Caption = "Send and File..." .FaceId = 24 .OnAction = "SendAndFile" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .Tag = "SendAndFile" .TooltipText = "Prompts for a folder to store the email before sending" End With insp.Close olDiscard MsgBox "[Send and File...] button successfully installed.", vbInformation End Sub Public Sub SendAndFile_RemoveButton() Dim insp As inspector Set insp = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem).GetInspector On Error Resume Next Dim toolbar As commandBar Set toolbar = insp.CommandBars("Standard") Dim sendOnlyButton As CommandBarButton Set sendOnlyButton = toolbar.FindControl(Tag:="SendAndFile") If sendOnlyButton Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If sendOnlyButton.Delete insp.Close olDiscard MsgBox "[Send and File...] button successfully removed.", vbInformation End Sub